
Canticle of Pollen 06/02/20

Wafting sun-break

Lifting birdsong

to summersault overhead

carrying purses of pollen

to disperse spirits of the breeze

I am now covered

Layered with the Mayburn lifedust

May I face this day forever

And hold its glory in my heart

Where God’s hidden chamber

Is shrouded by my flesh

For all and no one to see

Only Breath (revision of Rumi’s) 06/5/20

Not white or black, or red

or yellow or brown. Not any race

or social economic class or system.

I am not from the North or the South.

Not out of the earth or from the sky,

Not plant or animal or mineral at all.

I am human and my origin story is of you.

Not Adam or Eve or Big Bang, but of you.

My place is with you, each of you.

My body and soul is you, part of you.

I belong to this ribbon which holds a color

I do not know, nor can begin to describe.

It is the ribbon that holds us all together

as human. My soul is connected to yours.

In the end, I am only breath. My breath,

your breath, our breath. The breath of human being.